Smart Running

The ultimate guide to becoming a fitter, stronger, more confident runner

Have you ever wondered about the secret to becoming a better runner? Has your training plateaued and you don’t know why? Do you keep getting injured or are you struggling to get back into running after some time out? Have you done a few shorter races but want to progress up to a marathon? Smart Running by Jen and Sim Benson will cut through the jargon and answer all your running questions, helping you to become a fitter, faster and stronger runner.

Have you ever wondered about the secret to becoming a better runner? Has your training plateaued and you don’t know why? Do you keep getting injured or are you struggling to get back into running after some time out? Have you done a few shorter races but want to progress up to a marathon? Smart Running by Jen and Sim Benson will cut through the jargon and answer all your running questions, helping you to become a fitter, faster and stronger runner.

Jen and Sim delve into the science of physiology, psychology, training and nutrition before carefully and clearly explaining how to build yourself a bespoke and customisable training plan – one that moulds around your life and will help you smash your running goals. Thorough workout descriptions are included, so you’ll be confident in your training and get the results you’re after.

The science behind recovery, hydration, and strength and conditioning work is explained, along with how to choose the best and most sustainable kit for your adventures. Tips for race-day nerves, psychological skills to help your running, how to prevent and deal with injuries, running in the heat and cold, and finding the best routes are all covered, along with specific considerations for female and older runners.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
David Speers

Superb informative book,required reading for the young and old runners

Sophie Seward
A brilliant and insightful read

Really useful book, lots of helpful information for new to the experienced runners

Anne Grove

Covers everything you need to know about running and a load of stuff I didn’t know I needed! Well written, accessible and from the always high quality Vertebrate publishing - love the layout, photos and how it gives you the tools to create your personal running plan.